Rudraksha Family Counseling Center

It is the experience of everyone that women are exploited at various points of time. This cannot be prevented without bringing legal awareness amongst women in villages and propagating legal literacy. Under this conducted legal awareness programs for women across various colleges in the city. The breakage of joint family culture has added its woes to this sector. There are cases of divorce, family dispute, property dispute, and so many related problems in daily life therefore SSS is involved in family counseling. Nuclear families are under a lot of stress be it mentally or financially. There are many cases where the family has been reunited, and in cases where this is not possible women are provided with vocational training and supported by the income generation program. We received cases from local & state in different districts as well as some time NRI cases also. This activity is supported by Central Social Welfare Board.

We prepared for 3r lockdown phase which includes strict compliance of Social Distancing, Awareness campaigns etc.., Not every day we get chance to become hero but here is the opportunity. Join as COVID-19 volunteer and serve the society and nation.

S.NType of Cases registered
1Dowry problem
2Cases booked under Domestic violence act
3Alcoholic/drug addiction
4Maladjustment with in laws
5Maladjustment with spouse
6Economic crisis
7Property dispute
8Extra marital relationship
9Personality differences
10Mental & Physical torture
12Human Trafficking
13Premarital problems
14Love affaire
16Others --- like Men cases---etc.,