Bidar Branch Office Activities:

Our Samithi conducted many Programs in different places In Bidar & Bidar Central Jail providing Kannada language classes for women prisoner. Vocational training, Sports Competitions, Family-counseling center.
1) Regularly conducted Adult education in jail premises for women prisoners.
2) Celebrated Makara Sankramana festival in Central jail in Bidar. On the occasion samithi members distributed sweets & cloths for prisoner children’s.
3) Conducted handicraft training in Samithi office for self-help-groups sponsored by Canara Bank.
4) Distributed School books & School bags for downtrodden children in Bidar rural area.
5) Distributed Fruits for women prisoner on the occasion of celebrating International Women’s Day
6) Celebrate Basava Jayanthi program & distribute the Prasadha for prisoners.
7) Running counseling center for family problems. There are cases of divorce, family dispute, property dispute, and so many related problems in the daily life. There are many cases of divorce where in the family has been reunited. In certain cases when they are not united, women are provided with Vocational training and supported for Income generation program